If you read our last blog post, then you know Kara, founder and creator of Creative Energy Candles got her big break when actress, Marlo Thomas, shared that CEC was her favorite candle on AOL's homepage for Valentines Day. What you probably don't know, is all of the other features our company has had, and the neat places you might have spotted a Creative Energy Candle on TV, in the movies or magazines.
Creative Energy Candles has been featured in several movies including, "Fathers and Daughters" starring Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried. They used the candles in their bathroom scenes, and around the house. We also were requested to be on the set of Owen Wilson's upcoming movie with Jennifer Lopez, "Marry Me". One of our favorite shows that has also featured us in several of their scenes, is "Chicago P.D."

We have had some amazing opportunities being featured on daytime and evening shows such as, Pickler and Ben, Sister Circle, Entertainment Tonight and Evine. These platforms have helped our small business grow and it's amazing to see just how far our reach is now.

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